No better time than the beginning of this new decade to launch my website
"Shooting Stars"!
I hope my pictures and notes communicate my fascination with the heavens above and my admiration for God, the creator of all things.
The next 10 years are shaping up to be very exciting for space exploration, with NASA announcing earlier this year, "Boots on the Moon in 2024"!
I shot this picture without realizing that the phase that night positioned the terminator (shadow line) directly over the Apollo 11 landing site. (Apollo 11 landed the first men on the surface of the Moon on July 20, 1969 - location marked with red star).
I don't anticipate space travel in my future, but I will commit to setting up my telescope and observing the far reaches of space from the comfort of my own front yard. With finding new launch equipment under the Christmas tree this year, I also commit to launching my "Saturn-V" replica model rocket safely in the coming months (two failed attempts have forced us to upgrade our propellent and launch system). Updates will follow.
Well, making a website has been challenging and fun - has made it possible with user friendly tutorials, layouts, templates, menus, etc...
Thank you for visiting!
"I'm a Christian and I'll chose Creation over the evolution theory any day of the week."
Hi Greg. Did you know you can chose both? In fact, the majority of Christians around the world, including in evangelical churches, don't see a conflict between the two. It isn't an either/or situation. God created the universe and let life arise based on the mathematics behind natural selection because He created life to evolve.
Often we in North America do teach our young people it's one or the other, and when they run into the mountains of evidence (which well-meaning but misguided people in the church tell them doesn't exist) they often think they have to chose between their faith and evolution. It's…